Psychometric Properties of the PSQ-OP and PSQ-ORG in Puerto Rico


  • Alexander Delgado Ramos Industrial-Organizational Psychology; Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico
  • Abner Vélez Vega Industrial-Organizational Psychology


confirmatory factor analysis, operational stress, organizational stress, police officers, psychometric


Background: There are several factors related to stress in police officers. The organization plays a role in impacting police officers who experience a heavy workload, and there is a close relationship between operational stress and personal and work-related outcomes. Objectives: This work aims to present the psychometric properties of the PSQ-OP and the PSQ-ORG questionnaire Spanish adapted version. Method: A quantitative study cross-sectional and instrumental type design in a sample of 200 municipal police officers in Puerto Rico and analysis carried out to verify the factorial structure of the questionnaires and the reliability and validity indicators. Results: The Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling showed adequate validity and reliability indicators in both PSQ-OP and the PSQ-ORG questionnaire Spanish adapted version with one-factor structure as in the original English version questionnaire. Conclusion: This study provides an instrument for professionals to study the operational and organizational stress in police officers and allows them to contribute new studies and literature in Puerto Rico.


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How to Cite

Delgado Ramos, A., & Vélez Vega, A. (2022). Psychometric Properties of the PSQ-OP and PSQ-ORG in Puerto Rico. Revista De Psicología, 18(35), 45–71. Retrieved from


