Fundamental Personal Motivations. Cornerstone of Existence


  • Alfried Längle Centro de Investigación de Antropología Analítico. Argentina


Motivation, Logotherapy, Sense, Confidence, Existence, Psychopathology, Self Expansion


In compliance with the Existential Analysis, the development and the personal realization depend on the success attained when confronting the “Existential Issues” of life. In modern Existential Analysis the multiplicity of these issues was reduced to four structures that can be considered as the basis of fulfilled existence, and can be the models for an “existential pedagogy” as well as for an “existential psychology” and an existential psychotherapy, oriented towards the individual development; on the contrary, if they are blocked or if there is insufficient development, psychic problems arise. The existential condition of the human being is basically dialogic; essential issues are based on the agreement with the facticity and the conditions of the Dasein, with the facts of the own life and with the feelings and relationships, with the own individuality (to be oneself, autonomy, authenticity), and, finally, with the process of becoming, which implies future and meaning.


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How to Cite

Längle, A. (2019). Fundamental Personal Motivations. Cornerstone of Existence. Revista De Psicología, 5(10), 7–24. Retrieved from


