The strengthening of republican institutions in Argentina. Derived considerations from the public performance of Indalecio Gómez


  • María Inés Abarrategui Fernández Investigadora Independiente


Argentina, Constitución Nacional, Estado de Derecho, Instituciones republicanas, - Compromiso cívico, Sufragio, Argentine, Supreme Law, Rule of Law, Republican institutions, Civic engagement, Suffrage, Costituzione nazionale, Indalecio Gomez


The purpose of this work is to show how Indalecio Gómez, through his public performance, advocated the strengthening of the Rule of Law and the development of republican institutions. He served as a civil servant in years that were crucial for a young and incipient country, which
was getting up and trying to get on an organized path, reflecting in practice and experience the constitutional principles. Within this context I will try to synthesize certain considerations related to the primacy of the institutional order and, also, to the preeminence of the republican form of government, as elementary foundations for the progress of the country


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Biografia Autor

María Inés Abarrategui Fernández, Investigadora Independiente

Abogada, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Doctora en Ciencias Políticas, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.


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Como Citar

Abarrategui Fernández, M. I. (2019). The strengthening of republican institutions in Argentina. Derived considerations from the public performance of Indalecio Gómez. Prudentia Iuris, (87), 39–50. Obtido de



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