Chinese academic studies on the MacIntyre's philosophy


  • Yanliang Zhang


A. MacIntyre, Virtue Ethics, Rationality, Relativism, China


As a philosopher of contemporary Western Ethics, Alasdair MacIntyre has played an important role in the revival of virtue ethics. It is no wonder, then, that his thinking has attracted the attention of many Chinese scholars: so, since the early 80’s, some of his books have been translated into this language, and from the 90’s his philosophy has changed a topic of discussion relevant in China. In this paper, we will make a synthesis of academic studies produced in that country on the philosophy of MacIntyre; we will from nine different perspectives: translations of his works, the first studies of philosophy, ethics of virtue, his critique of Western moral philosophy, his political philosophy, its method of moral inquiry, his metaphysics of morality, the conception of rationality that sustains him and the problem of relativism


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How to Cite

Zhang, Y. (2017). Chinese academic studies on the MacIntyre’s philosophy. Prudentia Iuris, (82), 261–270. Retrieved from



Part III. Notes and Comments