The Role of Memory in the English as a Second Language Classroom


  • Julieta Rodegher Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Brain, ESL, Secondary School, Effective Learning, Memory, Lesson Plan, Approaches, Activities


In the recent years, memory has been frequently disregarded as a tool to learn as it is
considered a vehicle that makes students acquire temporary information and deprived of all
meaning. However, memory could be the tool that leads to effective, meaningful and
consequently permanent learning. Nowadays, research on the brain and its areas in
connection with learning has led to consider the benefits of taking these areas into account in
the ESL field. The various processes memory provides learners with during each learning
episode should be taken into account in order to provide students with a selection of activities
according to the way in which these processes occur. The aim of this paper is to analyse how
teachers use memory, memory-friendly approaches and activities in the classroom to foster
the real role of memory: effective learning.


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How to Cite

Rodegher, J. (2019). The Role of Memory in the English as a Second Language Classroom. Bridging Cultures, (4), 20–45. Retrieved from


