Donde abunda la sinodalidad, sobreabunde la misión




Australian Royal Commission Report, Co-responsability, Synodality, Sharing


We offer the presentation given by Carlos Galli on 13 October 2023 at the General Congregation of the Synod of Bishops. It is articulated around the axes of mission, co-responsibility and sharing. The titles themselves indicate that the logic of the superabundance of the gift articulates the proposal, since the Spirit is the main protagonist. As there is no synodality without mission, being missionaries calls for being in synodal self-giving. This is based on the fact that through Baptism there is a co-responsibility that is inscribed in the being of our Christian existence and, finally, no one privatises what has been given to them, but has received it for exchange and donation.


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How to Cite

Galli, C. M. (2024). Donde abunda la sinodalidad, sobreabunde la misión. Teología, 61(143), 29–37.


