Praise of unproductive Institutions Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Culture of the People-Nation


  • Francesco Callegaro Universidad Nacional de San Martín.



Rousseau, People, Legislator, Institution, Culture


Jean-Jacques Rousseau is still considered the political philosopher who de- veloped in advance the theoretical foundations of the French Revolution, by defining the general will as the contractual spring of the Republic of human rights. Contrary to this established opinion, we show here how the unusual figure of the great legislator makes it possible to open a gap in the logical construct of the social contract, from which another perspective on the people and politics can be glimpsed, closer to a sociological view. From the gap opened by the great legislator, the people ceases to be, indeed, an abstract entity constructed by the mechanism of representation, and appears rather as a concrete historical subject whose secret lies in the insti- tutions that modern utilitarian rationality considers unproductive, while they contribute decisively to shape the minds and the behaviors, that is, the political culture of a nation without which the reflexive position of laws in view of the common good is utterly impossible.


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Author Biography

Francesco Callegaro, Universidad Nacional de San Martín.

Doctor en Filosofía Política en el CESPRA (EHESS, París), es profesor de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Buenos Aires, Argentina), donde imparte clases de filosofía política y sociología, en la Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales, historia conceptual y psicoanálisis, en la Escuela de Humanidades.


Callegaro, Francesco. « Le législateur et l'inconscient du peuple. Rousseau avec Durkheim » Etica & Politica/Ethics & Politics XX (2018) : 211-243

Durkheim, Emile. « Le "Contrat Social" de Rousseau », en Montes- quieu et Rousseau précurseurs de la sociologie, Paris: Riviere, 1953

Duso, Giuseppe. « Rivoluzione e costituzione del potere », en Il potere.

Per la storia della filosofía política moderna. Roma: Carrocci, 1999

Descombes, Vincent. Les embarras de l'identité. Paris: Gallimard, 2013

Karsenti, Bruno. Moise et l'idée de peuple. La vérité historique selon Freud. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 2012

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Du Contrat Social, &uvres completes. Paris: Gallimard, Bibliotheque de la Pléiade, 1964, t. III

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Considérations sur le gouvernement de Po- logne, &uvres completes. Paris: Gallimard, Bibliotheque de la Pléiade, 1964, t. III

Schmitt, Carl. La Dictature. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 2000



How to Cite

Callegaro, F. (2021). Praise of unproductive Institutions Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Culture of the People-Nation. Teología, 58(136), 205–214.