The vitality of the sea in Albert Camus: An analysis of The Plague, The State of Siege and The First Man


  • Clara Noguer Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina



Albert Camus, Sea, Value of Life, Sense of Existence


This article elucidates the figure and place of the sea in part of Camus' literary work, in particular, The Plague, The State of Siege and The First Man. To this end, two possible interpretations are taken as a starting point. First, the sea is approached as a reflection of the vital state of human existence and, more precisely, of the citizens of Oran and Cadiz, and of the children of Argel. Secondly, it attempts to understand human existence as a reflection of the freedom and vitality of the sea, an indifferent divinity that accompanies and protects man. From the analysis of these interpretations, the paper attempts to demonstrate how the sea is, for Camus, a means to symbolize and find the value of life.


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Author Biography

Clara Noguer, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Clara Noguer es Profesora de Filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Actualmente se encuentra realizando sus tesis de licenciatura en la misma Universidad acerca de la posibilidad de afirmar la existencia de experiencias vivificantes en la educación para Edith Stein.


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How to Cite

Noguer, C. (2024). The vitality of the sea in Albert Camus: An analysis of The Plague, The State of Siege and The First Man. Tábano, (23), 54–72.


