Symbolic knowledge and the myth of fire in ancient cultures. Contributions from the creative imagination of Gastón Bachelard


  • Maximiliano Sebastián Corsellas Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina ; Universidad Católica de La Plata



Symbolism, poetic reverie, scientific knowledge, transcendence.


The creative imagination of Bachelard has been one of the deepest and most original contributions to the philosophy of the XX century. His work has been recollected in works related to the psychoanalysis of the elements: water, air, earth and fire. These four elements are present and manifested in the psyche was poetic images of the substances and cosmic forces, principle of the primitive cosmogonies, the placement of men in the cosmos. In this present work we have focused in the element fire given its mystic feature and influence it has had in the primitive symbolism. Illuminated by fire, Bachelard assures that the symbol is charged with history and that it is given in the conjunction of multiple traditions. The flame of the fire would compel man to imagine, to dream. Every dreamer of the flame finds himself in a state of original dream. The symbol of fire would transport man not only to his own past, which is not his own, but also to the past of the first fires of the world.


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Author Biography

Maximiliano Sebastián Corsellas, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina ; Universidad Católica de La Plata

Es Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Católica de la Plata y doctorando en la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Se desempeña como profesor de Filosofía contemporánea, Epistemología y Metodología de la Investigación en la Universidad Católica de la Plata.


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How to Cite

Corsellas, M. S. (2020). Symbolic knowledge and the myth of fire in ancient cultures. Contributions from the creative imagination of Gastón Bachelard. Tábano, (15), 48–59.


