Catholic, woman, mother, young: a pioneer in the Supreme Court


  • Santiago Legarre Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Palabras clave:

Amy Coney Barret, Supreme Court, Justices biography, Natural law, Catholic


This short article is part of a larger project titled The Catholic Supreme Court Justices, which will include an intellectual biography of each and every Catholic Justice in the history of the Supreme Court of the United States. This segment is on Amy Coney Barrett. It first highlights her unusual choices in educational matters; next, it focuses on her family and her work. Regarding the latter, it analyzes both her short stint in the bench of the federal Court of Appeals and her even shorter one (at the time this contribution was penned) at the Supreme Court. It concludes that to understand correctly the relevance of the Catholicity of this Justice of the Supreme Court, one needs to understand the teachings of the Catholic Church on separation of Church and State (and of religion and law).



Biografía del autor/a

Santiago Legarre, Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Profesor Titular de Derecho Constitucional, Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina; investigador principal del CONICET. 


Justice Barrett visited Notre Dame Law School once more as recently as February 2023, this time to hear a Moot Court argument:, last visited on 9 March 2023



Cómo citar

Legarre, S. (2023). Catholic, woman, mother, young: a pioneer in the Supreme Court. Prudentia Iuris, (96).



Parte III. Notas y Comentarios