Emotion as the foundation of class: Working class movement and socialism in fin-de-siecle Biscay


  • Sara Hidalgo García de Orellán Universidad del País Vasco




History of emotions, working class studies, socialism in Biscay, Red socialist emotional regime, miner workers


The aim of this work is to study in a new way the making of class consciousness in the miner and industrial Biscay at the end of nineteenth century. We will focus on socialist movement, due to its predominance in this process, and we will use the theoretical and methodological tools provided by the history of emotions. Our proposal is to analyze class consciousness paying attention to the emotional expressions, practices and rituals, all of them constitutive elements of what we call Red socialist emotional regime, which underpins the socialist political program in this area. This regime was defined by the peaceable behavior during the demonstrations; by a new emotional norm, the solidarity; and by the defense of the idea of worker as a human being with dignity. The attack to that notion produced indignation and rage, which were expressed through some practices, as striking. This regime was also characterized by favoring the tavern as an emotional refugee.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo García de Orellán, S. (2021). Emotion as the foundation of class: Working class movement and socialism in fin-de-siecle Biscay. Estudios De Historia De España, 23(1), 39–54. https://doi.org/10.46553/EHE.23.1.2021.p39-54


