The socio-political construction of the βάρβαρος in the Hellenic World. The identifyng symbols and/or signs that drove to the construction of the “Ours” Hellenic.


  • Graciela Gómez Aso Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Historia. Programa de Estudios Históricos Grecorromanos


Polyvocal conceps, heterophony, βάρβαρος, etnonim and/or exonim, Hellenes and Barbarians as asimetrical contraries


The issue of this work put us in the way, study and reflection of the construction of the concept “barbarian” as opponent, contrary and anthagonist of “hellene”. This construction demands from the autors of the time the necessity of giving sustentive form to the concept of “hellene”, that wasn’t only a rethoric figure, but an important “identification sign”. The identity affirmation of the Medical Wars winners put them in the ideological and political need of strengthen de concept of “hellene” since the discourse, such as has been done by force. Herodotus himself indicate us that “Hellenes” and “Barbarians” are, at first, different, even they represents regions or different spaces. In the Fifth Centruy BC, the difference language evolves to a form of space. Those who do not speak in Greek were considered out of time, rudes and intellectually inferiors.



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Fuentes primarias:

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How to Cite

Gómez Aso, G. (2020). The socio-political construction of the βάρβαρος in the Hellenic World. The identifyng symbols and/or signs that drove to the construction of the “Ours” Hellenic. De Rebus Antiquis, (5), 78–88. Retrieved from


