John Locke: possessions or political rights as guarantee of liberty


  • Diego Fernández Peychaux Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Liberty, Majority, Commonwealth, Social contract, Political rights, Possessions


What the article looked for is to think about the guarantees that the modern social contract offers to liberty. Thus, standing aside from the current dominant interpretation, is attempt to make a hermeneutical approach to his work that give some account of the semantic field in which it was developed. In this way, is left to appear the author's own voice, to elucidate what is the content and extent of liberty and guarantees of which the first enjoys in the lockean social contract.


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Author Biography

Diego Fernández Peychaux, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctorando en Filosofía y magíster en Estudios Avanzados en Filosofía por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina). Profesor, donde se desempeña como profesor honorífico del Departamento de Derecho, Moral y Política II de la Facultad de Filosofía.



How to Cite

Fernández Peychaux, D. (2017). John Locke: possessions or political rights as guarantee of liberty. Colección, (20), 37–74. Retrieved from



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