The dynamic of China's economy and its global significance


  • Marcelo F. Resico Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Economy, Economic reforms, Modernization, Liberalization, Institutions, Culture, Geopolitics, China


The impressive Chinese economic development of recent years rests in various delicate balances that have been confronted with wisdom. The purpose of this paper is to show such fundamental elements to conform an overall vision and thus, to evaluate possible scenarios.
The author argues that the future development will depend on the answers in different levels. In the economic field seems important to maintain the rhythm of expansion of markets, of industrialization and to avoid possible imbalances given by the apparition of unemployment, bottlenecks in infrastructure, etc. Regarding the political aspects two problems are raised: the political reform, and the final incorporation of the western liberties
(freedom of speech, human rights, etc.). In the cultural ground a strong support to education is imposed to give a leap from an economy with labor of-fering excess to an innovative economy. In second place it is important to strengthen the capacity of organization. Finally concerning geopolitical aspects the crucial aspect will be maintaining an adequate strategic balance with the United States in the Asia-Pacific region.


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Author Biography

Marcelo F. Resico, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Profesor e investigador del Departamento de Economía (UCA). Es Master en Economía y Ciencias Políticas (ESEADE) y actualmente desarrolla estudios de Doctorado (UCA–Universidad de Colonia, Alemania). Ha publicado diversos trabajos sobre Economía Institucional, Macroeconomía y Metodología de la Economía.



How to Cite

Resico, M. F. (2017). The dynamic of China’s economy and its global significance. Colección, (16), 197–214. Retrieved from



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