The relationship between the new International Sustainability Standards IFRS S1 and S2 and the Social Balance Sheet in Argentina, regulated by Technical Resolution No. 36


  • Enrique Martín Fernández Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Económicas, Mendoza, Argentina



International Sustainability Standards, Social Balance Sheet, Sustainability Reporting, Auditing, IFRS S


Sustainable development commits companies to confront changes in their management and reporting systems, shifting their purpose from maximizing profits to creating economic, social, and environmental value, as well as corporate governance. It is considered important to address the problem organizations face when defining the tools to be used to report on their sustainability actions. The aim of the following research is to compare the contributions of the financial information to be disclosed regarding sustainability according to IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 standards, with the Social Balance of RT 36. The research was based on a qualitative, documentary approach. The result of this bibliographic research highlights the need to integrate the new concepts introduced by international standards into the update of RT 36 modified by RT 44, and establishes the questioning about the necessity of mandatory assurance of sustainability reports as a starting point for future lines of research. It also considers the role of professionals in economic sciences in this facet. The academic community stresses the importance of staying informed about the progress of issuing organizations, particularly the ISSB, and about regulations in each country, which will initially arrive as optional and later become mandatory after some time.



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How to Cite

Fernández, E. M. (2024). The relationship between the new International Sustainability Standards IFRS S1 and S2 and the Social Balance Sheet in Argentina, regulated by Technical Resolution No. 36. Cultura Económica, 42(108), 86–100.