Psyche and Reality (Relations illustrated by the Cosmological and Scientific Fragments of the Adam Smith's History)


  • Fernando Beresñak CONICET – UBA/FSOC/IIGG; Universidad de Belgrano



Smith, psyche, reality, cosmology, politics, modern science, philosophy


The article makes use of the text entitled The principles which lead and direct philosophical enquiries; illustrated by the history of astronomy (1795) by Adam Smith in order to illustrate, analyze and ponder on the ways in which, throughout history, humankind has been weaving the links between psyche and reality to explain various irregularities (mainly astronomical). Likewise, as will be noted, the historical fragments implemented come as useful to identify a breaking point in these ways of weaving links. During the Copernican and Scientific Revolutions, a new entity would have emerged, with notorious legitimacy. This entity would guide, modern science and alter those traditional ways of establishing relations between psyche and reality, carrying metaphysical, subjective and epistemological implications into our current times.


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How to Cite

Beresñak, F. (2023). Psyche and Reality (Relations illustrated by the Cosmological and Scientific Fragments of the Adam Smith’s History). Cultura Económica, 41(106), 64–88.