The common good in postmodern society: proposals for the political-economic action


  • Stefano Zamagni Università di Bologna


common good, person, deliberative democracy, shared social ethos, fraternity, microfinance


The notion of ‘common good’ is currently going through a crisis in its conceptualization and implementation. Stefano Zamagni, professor at the University of Bologna, comes close in this article to the various practical applications of this category in modern societies. His article is geared around three concepts: person, democracy and fraternity. In the first place, he analyzes the possibility of a shared social ethos in a ‘post secularized’ world based on the value of the person. Secondly, he considers the need for a change from a representative
democracy to a deliberative one in order to recreate the principle of the common good in the public sphere. Finally, Zamagni reflects about ways of civil fraternity in the economic world.


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How to Cite

Zamagni, S. (2019). The common good in postmodern society: proposals for the political-economic action. Cultura Económica, 25(70), 23–43. Retrieved from