Market, State and Civil Society: from Centesimus Annus to Caritas in veritate


  • Joaquín Migliore Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


market, State, civil society, global political authority, redistribution


The author intends to explore, in dialogue with political thought, the teachings of Benedict XVI on the relationship between market, State and civil society. To this end he compares the fourth chapter of the Encyclical Centesimus Annus with the third chapter of Caritas in veritate.  Deepening John Paul II’s teachings, the new Encyclical wonders about the consequences of globalization on these institutions and argues that both the market and the State require a policy informed by the logic of the gift.


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How to Cite

Migliore, J. (2019). Market, State and Civil Society: from Centesimus Annus to Caritas in veritate. Cultura Económica, 27(75-76), 30–43. Retrieved from