The Question of Ethical Decision in Marketing and Ethics


  • Anton Jamnik Universidad de Liubliana




While marketing is associated with negative practices that involve exploitation and dishonesty, Anton Jamnik states the need for creating an ethical theory for it. The article attempts both to provide a brief overview of the main currents on marketing ethics’ literature and to participate in its development. The author analyses the ethical challenges that will come up in the future from three different sources: technological innovations, the influence of global competition and the expansion of marketing activities into non-traditional business areas. This will require the development of a realistic normative ethics. To conclude, he argues that marketing ethics should analyze to what extent it has been successful to solve the ethical challenges of today’s world.


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Further Reading

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How to Cite

Jamnik, A. (2019). The Question of Ethical Decision in Marketing and Ethics. Cultura Económica, 29(80), 41–53. Retrieved from