Education between Globalized Postmodernity and Seductive Society according to G. Lipovetzky


  • William Darós Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano de Educación a Distancia (UAP)




This essay presents the symptoms and consequences of globalization and the repeated individualistic revolutions, from the perspective of G. Lipovetsky. In his rough depiction of the postmodern situation in developed countries, and the importance of light individualism, the author does not fail to perceive the difficulties that this presents for the educational process. But, at the same time, he foresees a ray of hope for to find a solution that may shift apathy before the void of abundance in some countries, while suffering in others. The need for education is inevitable and it is possible to think of a more promising horizon for all humanity.


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How to Cite

Darós, W. (2018). Education between Globalized Postmodernity and Seductive Society according to G. Lipovetzky. Cultura Económica, 36(95), 59–74. Retrieved from