Public happiness and civility in, Juan Hipólito Vieytes


  • Alvaro Perpere Viñuales Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina




The author offers a reinterpretation of the works of Juan Hipolito Vieytes based on the concepts of Italian Civil Economy. Beyond the undeniable influence of Adam Smith in Vieytes’ economic and social thinking, Perpere Viñuales argues that there is also a profound influence of this line of thought. Certainly, the notion of public happiness as the ultimate end of the economy and the concept of incivilmento as the means to achieve economic and social growth for the entire society, are key in his work aimed at promoting the development of his fellow citizens.


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Author Biography

Alvaro Perpere Viñuales, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Doctor en Filosofía (Universidad de Navarra). Master en Economía y Ciencias Sociales (ESEADE). Profesor de Historia de las Ideas Políticas y Económicas (UCA, UBA, Austral). Secretario de Redacción de esta revista.


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How to Cite

Perpere Viñuales, A. (2018). Public happiness and civility in, Juan Hipólito Vieytes. Cultura Económica, 32(87), 66–73. Retrieved from