Beginning to Think about Networks


  • Carlos Hoevel Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina




The article seeks to elucidate if networks entail a specific and differentiated means of human and social relation, if they are based on other preexisting types of relationality and whether they tend to displace or absorb within their logic the rest of human and social relations. To do this, the paper identifies some network’s features in comparison with other types of human and social relationships, and their dynamics. Then, the author faces the subject from the point of view of Law and Economics, on the basis of several authors. Finally, these new forms of network relationality and their consequences are valued regarding their influence in shaping relationships in the human and social sphere.


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Author Biography

Carlos Hoevel, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Doctor en Filosofía (UCA). Master of Arts in the Social Sciences (U. de Chicago). Profesor Titular Ordinario de Historia de las Ideas Económicas y Políticas, Filosofía de la Economía, Filosofía Social y Ética en los Negocios (UCA). Fellow del Instituto Spes (Bélgica). Director del Centro de Estudios en Economía y Cultura (UCA) y de esta publicación.


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How to Cite

Hoevel, C. (2018). Beginning to Think about Networks. Cultura Económica, 35(93), 25–45. Retrieved from