Allocation of Property Rights over Collective Networks


  • Fernando Nicchi Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina




This paper studies property rights allocation over collective goods, in particular, over networks. Based on Ronald Coase's theory, the author states that its insufficient production can be explained by the existence of transaction costs involved in property rights’ exchange. In this regard, he suggests to reduce those costs through some auction mechanism, in such a way that property rights could be allocated with greater efficiency.


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Author Biography

Fernando Nicchi, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Ingeniero Eléctrico (Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires), Magíster en Administración y Políticas Públicas (UdeSA) y Doctor en Economía (Universidad Católica Argentina). Profesor de Análisis Sectorial Energía y de Ingeniería Económica (UCA). 


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How to Cite

Nicchi, F. (2018). Allocation of Property Rights over Collective Networks. Cultura Económica, 35(93), 46–87. Retrieved from