Corporate social responsibility and corporate performance : the economic costs and benefits of CSR


  • Milan C. Jelic Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Performance, Civil Economy, Common Goods, Sustainability


This paper looks at the relation between corporate social responsibility and corporate performance, using the theoretical framework of Civil Economy. Common goods theory is also studied. They are used to look at how to enhance pro-social behavior at micro level and to give the theory to present later some frameworks and approaches applied throughout different business sectors that show that CSR can be profitable from a profit maximizing perspective. Other findings are that although this different way of doing business may present additional costs in short-term analysis, it also presents benefits as well as opportunities for creativity and innovation in the long run. Several examples are studied to see how reciprocity can be stimulated to create well-being and public happiness. These are: “Manchester Building Schools for the Future” (BSF) programme, Nike, Kimberley-Clark, Pixar, Heathrow Airport Terminal 5, Wal-Mart, Dow Chemical, Marks & Spencer’s, and Johnson & Johnson. Some suggestions for long-term business sustainability are put forward at the end of the work.


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How to Cite

Jelic, M. C. (2018). Corporate social responsibility and corporate performance : the economic costs and benefits of CSR. Cultura Económica, 34(92), 41–55. Retrieved from