About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Cultura Económica is a biannual journal of studies and research in the area of social philosophy and economics published by the Center for Studies in Economics and Culture of the Faculty of Economics of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. The Journal promotes intellectual exploration on the cultural and ethical implications of contemporary economic problems from a humanistic and interdisciplinary perspective. The volumes are published in the months of June and December of each year. This Journal was created in 1983 under the name of Revista Valores en la Sociedad Industrial until its change of name in 2007.

The Journal is composed by the following sections:

• Articles: research works of high scientific rigor endowed with a solid conceptual and critical apparatus.

• Essays: papers that without detriment to scientific rigor express opinions, experiences, more personal analysis or brief studies.

• Documents: presentation of documents or critical editions.

In memoriam: tribute writings for the death of people linked to the academic scope of the journal.

• Bibliographic reviews: this section publishes reviews that include the critical examination of a work within a variable extension according to the importance of the books to be reviewed.

Cultura Económica accepts contributions for all its sections, in Spanish or English, presented by academics and professors from any University. The Journal does not necessarily assume the opinions expressed in the published works.

Peer Review Process

All articles, essays, documents and reviews sent to Cultura Económica are submitted firstly to revision by the Editorial Board. Subsequently, articles are sent to external experts according to the modality of the double-blind peer review arbitration system. In this second instance, the identity of the author and the reviewers is kept secret. The aim of this process is to objectively assess the originality, relevance and quality of the text. Based on the reports received from external experts, the Editorial Board together with the Director and the Editor make the final decision on the publication or not of the articles.

The editorial team of the Journal communicates the author the decision regarding the publication of the article and transmits the observations made by the reviewers in order to contribute to its improvement. If a modification is necessary, the author must send the revised text to the Journal within a period of one month. Upon receipt of the original, the review process takes place in a period between two and six months until the final decision.

Publication Frequency

Cultura Económica is a biannual journal published in June and December of each year.

Open Access Policy

Cultura Económica provides immediate open access to its content, allowing you to download, distribute, copy and print your material without restrictions. Thus, it seeks to ensure access to information, without economic, legal or technical barriers, contributing to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Instructions for the Submission of Manuscripts

The Journal is composed by the following sections:

  • Articles: research works of high scientific rigor endowed with a solid conceptual and critical apparatus.
  • Essays: papers that without detriment to scientific rigor express opinions, experiences, more personal analysis or brief studies.
  • Documents: presentation of documents or critical editions.
  • In memoriam: tribute writings for the death of people linked to the academic scope of the journal.
  • Bibliographic reviews: this section publishes reviews that include the critical examination of a work within a variable extension according to the importance of the books to be reviewed.

Cultura Económica accepts contributions for all its sections, in Spanish or English, presented by academics and professors from any University. The Journal does not necessarily assume the opinions expressed in the published works.

Authors must take into account the following rules when they present their works for possible publication in the journal:


I. Presentation and submission of works

  1. Articles, essays and reviews presented must be original and unpublished in Spanish or English.
  2. The Journal of the Center for Studies in Economics and Culture keeps the rights over the works it receives. Therefore, they cannot be published partially or totally in any other publication without the express authorization of the Journal. If the Journal communicates the non-publication of the originals, the author would recover his or her rights.
  3. The works must be sent in computer format (e-mail) or through the OJS process, in Word format.
  4. Articles will range between 5,000 and 9,000 words, except some special cases to be considered by the editorial team. Essays will have an extension between 3,000 and 6,000 words. Documents will not have a fixed number, and reviews should not exceed 2,000 words.
  5. The title must be presented in Spanish and English.
  6. The full name and surname of the author must be included in the text. In case that there is more than one author, the Journal will respect the order chosen by the authors. In addition, a brief note should be sent stating the academic degree, profession, teaching position, membership institution, email address and, if there were any, explicit statement of the support received for the preparation of the work.
  7. A summary of the central aspects of the work should be sent, ranging between 100 and 175 words in Spanish and English. Between 4 and 8 keywords will also be presented in both languages, using a specialized thesaurus.


II. Citation rules

Bibliographical references must be presented in a section located at the end of the articles and the provision exemplified below must be respected:

Book: Moyano Llerena, C. (1982). Another lifestyle, Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana.

Text in a book with editors: Friedman, M. (1984). "The methodology of positive economics" in Hausman, D. (ed.) (1990). The philosophy of economics. An anthology, Cambridge: Cambrigde University Press. 

Journal article: Kahneman, Daniel (2003). "A psychological perspective on Economics”, in The Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol.3, N°2, pp.162-168

 Website: Gomez Caride, Ezequiel (2014). "Religion and the Construction of Argentinian Citizenship. The University of Wisconsin-Madison”. http://gradworks.umi.com/36/24/3624892.html Last access: June 2018.

The citations or bibliographic references presented in the text’s body must be placed in quotation marks and include the author's name, year of publication and the page containing the citation in parentheses.

Academic Quality

Cultura Económica publishes two annual volumes in the months of June and December on a regular basis. Since 2017 the Journal is offered in paper and in OJS. Throughout all its numbers it maintains an adequate coherence with its academic focus and editorial line.

All works published in Cultura Económica are original and are subject to prior evaluation by the Editorial Board, and in the case of articles, to external reviewers specialized in the corresponding topics under the double blind peer review evaluation system.

Cultura Económica informs the authors the reasons for the acceptance or rejection of the articles, and gives reports of the external evaluators’ opinions.

Cultura Económica has an Editorial Board, an Academic Advisory Board and a list of reviewers. It also has a director, an editor and a writing assistant.

The list of reviewers is made up of national and international researchers of recognized prestige, and the Advisory Academic Council has international expert members in the disciplines of the Journal.

Declaration of Good Practices

Cultura Económica Journal seeks to comply with the normative and ethical standards of the academia. Therefore, editors assume the commitment to select suitable reviewers to issue their opinion about the manuscripts. Likewise, they undertake to assess articles based on scientific quality, confidentially and in a period not exceeding six months from its receipt. The reviewers, for their part, undertake to evaluate the work in an objective manner and without bias, within the deadlines and confidentially. Finally, the authors assume the commitment to send unpublished, original and non-plagiarized works. They also agree not to present the same work to another journal simultaneously for their selection. All authors are required to declare that there are no conflicts of interest that affect their work and indicate any funding source linked to the submitted manuscript. The authors are responsible for the scientific quality of their texts.

Journal History

Cultura Económica is a biannual journal of studies and research in the area of social philosophy and economics published by the Center for Studies in Economics and Culture of the Faculty of Economics of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. The Journal promotes intellectual exploration on the cultural and ethical implications of contemporary economic problems from a humanistic and interdisciplinary perspective. The volumes are published in the months of June and December of each year. This Journal was created in 1983 under the name of Revista Valores en la Sociedad Industrial until its change of name in 2007.

Preservación Digital

PKP Preservation Network

Journal content is preserved by the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) which provides free digital preservation services for journals hosted on Open Journal Systems (OJS) through the LOCKSS program.


The articles are archived in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), through its integration with OJS, ensuring a permanent and secure archive.

LOCKSS and CLOKSS guarantee digital preservation in a decentralized and distributed manner, and ensure long-term access to published content.

See LOCKSS Manifest | See CLOCKSS Manifest

Institutional Repository

Cultura Economica's articles are deposited in the Institutional Repository of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina ensuring that the integrity of the archived content is verified. Additionally, it is backed up to a master preservation folder at the institution.

DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

This journal uses DOI as a persistent identifier, managed in Crossref, which prevents loss of access to the content if the journal's URL is modified in the future.

Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.46553/cecon