Delving Into Multi-word Verbs: A Semantic and Syntactic Perspective


  • Rocío Cantorna Blanco Universidad Católica Argentina

Palabras clave:

multi-word verbs, semantics, syntax, phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs, phrasal prepositional verbs, verb-adjective combinations, verb-nominal combinations, fixed expressions


This paper focuses on a particular category of verbs known as multi-word verbs, verb combinations or group verbs, which category constitutes a key element of the English lexicon and is characterized by considerable dissensus among linguists. In order to shed some light on this topic, this work examines the concept of multi-word verbs, their main features, and the different subcategories they comprise, adopting a semantic and syntactic approach. For such end, it alludes to the most significant characteristics of each subcategory and provides examples thereof. Furthermore, it points out some of the problems that the lack of recognition of these verbs may pose for the understanding of texts.


Biografía del autor/a

Rocío Cantorna Blanco, Universidad Católica Argentina

Rocío Cantorna Blanco is a Sworn Translator graduated from Universidad Católica Argentina and a student of International Spanish Copy Editing and Proofreading at Fundación LITTERAE. She currently works as a translator and English teacher and is specializing in Linguistics as a teaching assistant (adscripta) in the subject Linguistic Structures at Universidad Católica Argentina.


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Cómo citar

Cantorna Blanco, R. (2021). Delving Into Multi-word Verbs: A Semantic and Syntactic Perspective. Bridging Cultures, (6), 150–170. Recuperado a partir de


