Juventud Obrera Católica argentina Debates, acuerdos y contradicciones de una institución católica


  • Carina Cervetto Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero ; Universidad de Buenos Aires


Juventud, Iglesia, Peronismo, Obreros, Laicos


The Jocista experience in Argentina, formally begins with the support of the ecclesiastical hierarchies in 1940. The JOC sought the Christianization of workers from the daily contact of Catholic workers within their fields of daily action and thus become the voice of this class, with a clear objective, to move the workers' movement away from communism and bring them closer to the Church. However, in 1958 those same hierarchies that supported the creation of the JOC, decided to take away their support, inducing the closing of the journal of the jocist advisers that allowed the connection of the movement at the national level. This paper proposes to consider how the development of JOC was limited by the different political and social contexts, in this sense, how it was specifically affected by Peronism and what factors explain the weakening of the institution in 1958.


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Como Citar

Cervetto, C. (2020). Juventud Obrera Católica argentina Debates, acuerdos y contradicciones de una institución católica. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, 2(27), 28–62. Obtido de https://e-revistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/THAA/article/view/2698


