Sarmiento y el primer peronismo. Entre las imágenes y las conmemoraciones: los proyectos de nación


  • Beatriz Figallo Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Argentina


Sarmiento, peronism, memoir, nation building, revisionism


Turned into a symbol in Argentine History, Sarmiento is a figure of great potential taken to analyzing and confronting different nation-building projects. Often related to a liberal view of the past, commemorative celebrations have been made in his honor through different generations and successive governments, dragging with them an ideological corpus that would later be questioned by historical revisionism. Facing the present decline of his figure, this article dives into Juan Domingo Perón’s visions on Sarmiento, and the influence the latter had in Peronist ideology, the education and in the armed forces during the 1940’s. These findings will help understand the changing scenario Peronists had to face after 1955.


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How to Cite

Figallo, B. (2011). Sarmiento y el primer peronismo. Entre las imágenes y las conmemoraciones: los proyectos de nación. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, (18), 15–45. Retrieved from



Dossier sobre Domingo F. Sarmiento