La fuerza subversiva del sufrimiento evocado. Recepción de Walter Benjamin en la teología de Johann Baptist Metz


  • Matias Omar Ruz Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • Guillermos Rosolino Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • Carlos Schickendantz Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Centro Teológico Manuél Larraín


Memoria, Teología política, Racionalidad, Justicia anamnética.


The work of Johann Baptist Metz is characterized for a “turn” happened in the second
half of the sixties: from a Transcendental theology to a Political theology. His
contacts with thinkers of the Frankfurt School was decisive for such process. In that
context, this article presents, first, some ideas of Walter Benjamin from the consideration,
mainly, of his last work: “On the Concept of History” (Über den Begriff der
Geschichte). Secondly, it highlights, on one hand, the reception that such ideas have
had in the work of Metz, on the other, it emphasizes central points of his theological
proposal in which he take distance from Benjamin.


Não há dados estatísticos.



Como Citar

Ruz, M. O., Rosolino, G., & Schickendantz, C. (2020). La fuerza subversiva del sufrimiento evocado. Recepción de Walter Benjamin en la teología de Johann Baptist Metz. Teología, 46(100), 397–420. Obtido de