Espiritualidad evangelizadora "en salida” (II) Algunas claves de discernimiento para la Iglesia que peregrina en Chile*
espiritualidad evangelizadora “en salida”, Evangelii gaudium, visita de Francisco en Chile, clericalismo, Pueblo de Dios.Resumo
This is a two-part contribution about Pope Francis’ visit to Chile in 2018. Part 1 loo- ked at how the press dealt with the visit. Part 2 looks at some discernment points ori- ginating from his meeting with the Church and the People of God journeying in Chile, and from his “Letters of Tribulation”. This writer suggests that the Pope’s evangelizing spirituality “going out” offers a way out of the institutional crisis the Catholic Church lives because of sexual abuses perpetrated by men from the clergy or religious orders. In turn, demands of the crisis itself may keep this spirituality upda- ted. Specifically, Pope Francis’ magisterial texts during the visit, his meeting with vic- tims of abuse in the Church and the so-called Letters of tribulation addressed to the pilgrim Church in Chile offer keys for spiritual discernment for the present time. The article is set in three parts: first a systematic vision of evangelizing spirituality “going out” as expressed in Evangelii gaudium, with emphasis in its communal element; second, a theological interpretation of Pope Francis’ speeches, homilies, and letters on the occasion of his visit to Chile and following events; third, elaboration of some dis- cernment points for the Church journeying today in Chile.Downloads
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Como Citar
Azcuy, V. R. (2019). Espiritualidad evangelizadora "en salida” (II) Algunas claves de discernimiento para la Iglesia que peregrina en Chile*. Teología, 56(130), 101–136. Obtido de
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