One Hundred Years of an Article by Romano Guardini on the Holy Trinity and the Human Community


  • Jorge Fazzari Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Guardini, Trinidad, Comunidad, Comunión, Relación


In 1916 Romano Guardini proposed an article which illuminated the human community life, in the light of the intimate life of the Trinity. With this, he anticipates several decades prospects were grown, especially since the second half of the twentieth century. Even in this article we can see designs of ideas that will propose great theologians in this period: the “distance” between the Father and the Son (Von Balthasar); the real relations of every human person with divine Persons through grace (Rahner); and use of paradox (De Lubac; Ferrara), or some “reduplication of language” (Lafont)… and, perhaps, we can see a glimpse of the Grundaxiom of Rahner, among other things.


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Como Citar

Fazzari, J. (2016). One Hundred Years of an Article by Romano Guardini on the Holy Trinity and the Human Community. Teología, 53(121), 25–32. Obtido de