Building a Place for God in a Latin American Context according to the First Letter of Peter




1 Peter, Priesthood, Sacrifices, Evangelization, Spiritual House, Latin American Hermeneutics


The present work has as its final purpose to provide clues to recognize current experiences that build a place for God and, with this, to identify keys that contribute to the pastoral application of the proposal of 1Pe. To achieve this objective, an exegesis of selected fragments of the letter is carried out in order to understand the meaning of the texts and their possible historical concreteness. By way of conclusion, some examples of updating the proposal of 1Pe in Latin American contexts are proposed.


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Author Biography

María José Schultz, Universidad de Deusto. España

The author of this article holds a PhD in Theology from the University of Deusto. She currently works as a professor at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. She is a member of the editorial team of Reseña Bíblica Magazine, a Spanish Biblical Association. She is responsible for the Social Campus of the University of Deusto and an international theological researcher at the Egidio Viganó Institute of the Silva Henríquez Catholic University in Chile.


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How to Cite

Schultz, M. J. (2024). Building a Place for God in a Latin American Context according to the First Letter of Peter. Teología, 61(144), 129–156.