Authorization to believe, license to doubt: the discernment of spirits in the Christian West religious and cultural history




Discernment of Spirits, Charisma, Prophecy, Visions, Mysticism, Paul the Apostle, Jean Gerson, Pope Benedict, Pope Benedict XIV


In Early Christianity the miraculous charisma of discretio spirituum was exercised with great freedom by many holy men and women who managed to avoid the constraints of the institutional Church. From the end of the Middle Ages, on the contrary, the gift of discernment came under the full control of the official religion: charismatic religiosity began to lose from then on much of the autonomy and freedom it had enjoyed for centuries. Finally, from the end of the early modern period, the charisma of probatio spirituum disappeared without too much ado from the official discourse, which from then on only alluded to the art of discernment understood as a collectively constructed human know-how, based on probabilities and conjectures, oblivious to all pretense of infallibility and incapable of forcing believers to compulsively embrace the conclusions reached by ecclesiastical authorities.


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How to Cite

Campagne, F. A. (2024). Authorization to believe, license to doubt: the discernment of spirits in the Christian West religious and cultural history. Teología, 61(143), 97–133.


