La reflexión sobre la temporalidad en la Teología de Henri de Lubac.


  • Omar César Albado Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Henri de Lubac, Temporality, Historical Processes, Supernatural.


In spite of the fact that the concern about temporality in Henri de Lubac does not assume
a systematic development, it is possible to find it as an underlying transverse
theme in many of his texts, closely related to the reflection upon the value and sense
of history. The author proposes to investigate the value of the temporal in the confrontation
with the doctrines of Buddhism, atheistic humanism and of Joachim of
Fiore. The mystery of the supernatural is the chosen theological question to expose
the French theologian’s response and position in relation to temporality. Finally, the
opening of critical perspectives will enable the prolonging of his thinking into present-
day concerns.


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How to Cite

Albado, O. C. (2020). La reflexión sobre la temporalidad en la Teología de Henri de Lubac. Teología, 46(100), 465–480. Retrieved from