The integration of knowledge in the work of Jacques Maritain


  • Oscar Horacio Beltrán Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Facultad de Teología


Integration of Knowledge, Maritain, Science, Christian Philosophy


The second part of this study develops the question of the unity of knowledge,
under two aspects: the unity of order, which arises from the natural hierarchy
of the sciences due to their distinct formal objects, and the unity of integration,
which establishes the interaction between the disciplines in reference to the one
material object. As to the unity of order the classical theory of subalternation
is developed, with the distinctions called for by the actual diversification both
in the natural and human sciences. With regard to the unity of integration, the fundamental terms of the dialogue between philosophy, theology and science are presented. Finally, the original contribution of Maritain, which he called existential epistemology, is introduced, in which an attempt is made to overcome the rigidity of the formal objects towards an outlook directed to the concrete. As examples, the theme of knowledge as connatural, science as a virtue and the question of christian philosophy are introduced.


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How to Cite

Beltrán, O. H. (2019). The integration of knowledge in the work of Jacques Maritain. Teología, 50(111), 11–44. Retrieved from