Gift of Self and Communion: a Double Key for a Theological-Spiritual Synthesis


  • Jorge Fazzari Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Trinity, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Communion, Gift of Self


The Benedictine theologian G. Lafont recommends a “reduplication of language” that I have found in the double key “gift of self” and “communion”.1 This double key has helped me to synthesize most of the elements of our Christian faith and life, a synthesis that I hope to present in a book that is being prepared. In this article I offer the beginning of that book, where I present that double key beginning with the Oikonomia, as we do in contemporary theology.2 And, as we also do today 􀀀from the pioneering texts of G. Lafont and H. U. Von Balthasar of 19693 I highlight the centrality of Jesus and his paschal mystery in that Oikonomia; although in my case, I do it highlighting that double key indicated. Finally, I show how the Spirit which is the Gift par excellence and Communion in Person continues what Jesus began...


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How to Cite

Fazzari, J. (2018). Gift of Self and Communion: a Double Key for a Theological-Spiritual Synthesis. Teología, 55(125), 109–120. Retrieved from