The Memorial Space of the "Desaparecidos. Some epistemological perspectives


  • Diana Beatriz Viñoles Universidad Nacional de Tierra de Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Sur


Disappeared in Argentina, Body, Narration, Epistemology, Peace


The question that guides this work is referred to the possibility of extracting some epistemological perspectives of the production of a memorial space. Its theme is related to the ways of developing the social trauma. Historical time to which it refers is the last civic-military dictatorship (March 1976- December 1983). The route of this contribution has three parts. In the first, we consider the notions of body and narration; the second presents outlines of answers to the question posed, and the third is briefly referred to two European and Christian women: Alice Domon (France, 1937- Argentina, 1977) and Elisabeth Käsemann (Germany, 1947- Argentina, 1977). Both lived in Latin America and can be considered true humanitarian spaces of peace.


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How to Cite

Viñoles, D. B. (2016). The Memorial Space of the "Desaparecidos. Some epistemological perspectives. Teología, 53(119), 165–176. Retrieved from