
  • Natalia Strok UBA,UNLP, CONICET


Anne Conway, creation, transmutation, affinity


In this paper I intend to explore the concept of amicitia in Anne Conway’s Principia philosophiae antiquissimae et recentissimae (1690), as one of the metaphysical grounds for her philosophical proposal. I want to show that her thinking can be better understood on her own bounds of friendship with Henry More and Francis Mercury Van Helmont as well, which leads her to a conversion to Quakerism. First, I offer a brief introduction of the concept of friendship from Antiquity to Renaissance, then I trace some biographical notes, which are important concerning friendship in her life, and, lastly, I analyze the concept of amicitia in the only philosophical work that we have from this Early Modern woman philosopher.


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How to Cite

Strok, N. (2020). AMICITIA EN ANNE CONWAY. Stylos, 29(29), 156–173. Retrieved from


