
  • Javier Aoiz Universidad Católica de Temuco


Epicureanism, friendship, humanization, security, memory


In the paper I deal with several texts little treated in the general expositions about friendship in Epicureanism and even some of them absent until very few years ago in the debate on this topic. I will refer first to the genealogy of friendship and piety that Lucretius presents in On the nature of things v. Second, I will analyze the role of friendship in the thematization of one of the main aspects of security (ἀσφάλεια) that Epicurus attributes to the way of life that he advocates: trust. Finally, I will focus on Philodemus' considerations on friendship between the gods and on one aspect of human friendship that, according to the Epicureans, resembles the divine friendship: the memory of the deceased friend.


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How to Cite

Aoiz, J. (2020). AMISTAD Y EPICUREÍSMO. Stylos, 29(29), 121–137. Retrieved from


