
  • Marcos Carmignani CONICET-CIECS


Ethnography – philohelenism – Petronius – Nero


The cruelty, the prejudice and the stereotypes were common in the view Romans had on other gentes. In the particular case of Greeks, Romans had an ambivalent consideration of them: on the one hand, they admired its writers, philosophers, and artists in general, but, for other, they disregard the rest of the Greeks. Romans distinguished between the classical Greece and its heredity and his subiecti, the contemporary Greeks. Petronius’ Satyricon, although it is not an exception in the traditional Roman xenophoby, presents a singularity in regard to the Greeks that take apart from most of the Latin writers. The cause of this special feature perhaps is the philohelenism of Nero’s court, where Petronius was the elengatiae arbiter.


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How to Cite

Carmignani, M. (2019). LA CONSIDERACIÓN DE LO GRIEGO EN EL SATYRICON DE PETRONIO: ¿UN CASO DE FILOHELENISMO?. Stylos, 23(23), 88–105. Retrieved from


