
  • Marcela Suárez UBA (UBACyT) – CONICET


Terence, anger, emotions, lexicon field


The vocabulary of emotions in latin usually differ from which is taken as equivalent in modern languages. For this reason, translate the antiques emotions is not easy business, despite the existence of texts that define them accurately. In the palliata one traditional sequence is the senex iratus mentioned by Terence in the prologue of Heautontimorumenos (37). The essential element of this sequence is the anger, emotion that Aristotle defines with precision in the Rhetorica. Of all terentian corpus, Hecyra is the comedy presenting greater number of occurrences of ira lexeme and its derivatives. On this occasion, we are interested, therefore focus our attention on the analysis of this lexicon field, aiming to cast light not so much on the antique psychology but on how to translate certain basic terms of emotions.


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How to Cite

Suárez, M. (2019). QUAM OB REM INCENDOR IRA […] (TER. HEC. 562) INTERPRETAR Y TRADUCIR EMOCIONES: EL CASO DE LA IRA EN HECYRA DE TERENCIO. Stylos, 24(24), 213–233. Retrieved from https://e-revistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/STY/article/view/2091


