animalization, Bacchae, hunting.Abstract
In the context of a current work on processes of animalization in Euripides, this paper aims to analyze it in a tragedy where this resource practically explodes, Bacchae. We have studied the animalization with respect to Agave and the women's group as reference to concrete animals as well as also from the image of the sacrifice in Dionysus’ and Pentheus’ animalizations. Euripides emphasizes around the three main characters: Pentheus personifies par excellence the hunted hunter topos; his mother and the maenads represent the huntresses out of their minds to whom Dionysus can make hunt whatever he desires; the god himself resorts to the imaginary of hunting to appear first as prey and then as big killer. In UCA 2011 we have analyzed the references represented by hunting and the tensions within them that we can determine when we concentrate on concrete and abstract terms. In this paper we analyze other references to hunting in a play where multiple possible interpretations reveal the base ambiguities that structure the complexity of text.
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