The Compass and the Taste: Two Analogies for a Realistic Approach to Moral Experience


  • Mariano Asla Universidad Austral


: ética – objetividad – subjetividad – virtud – gusto


In this paper, I propose to use two analogies in order to offer a
realistic characterization of moral experience. The analogy of the compass
allows us to delve into the relationships between the notions of teleology
(objective) and orientation (subjective), while that of taste brings to light
the undeniable role of intuition and affectivity in the dictates of moral
conscience. Finally, I will discuss my reflections with some moral theses of
Francisco Leocata.


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How to Cite

Asla, M. (2023). The Compass and the Taste: Two Analogies for a Realistic Approach to Moral Experience. Sapientia, 78(251), 6–24. Retrieved from