Sergey Prokofiev en la Unión Soviética. Una revisión historiográfica y musicológica


  • Martín Baña Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Argentina


The studies about Sergey Prokofiev tended to regard him as a docile composer who, during his soviet career, worshiped the Stalinist regime and limited in this way his creative freedom. Current studies have substantially reversed this image and have deepened the interpretation of his work, especially since access to previously inaccessible sources. However, this type of analysis tended to focus more on personal features than artistic ones without stressing the remarkable links that Prokofiev established through his music with different levels of social life. This article aims to make a critical assessment of the studies dedicated to the composer and then to present a set of working hypotheses that will allow a further revision of Prokofiev’s image and, as well, of Soviet society under Stalin.


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How to Cite

Baña, M. (2016). Sergey Prokofiev en la Unión Soviética. Una revisión historiográfica y musicológica. Revista Del Instituto De Investigación Musicológica Carlos Vega, 30, 59–83. Retrieved from


