La cambiante biografía de una canónica canción argentina del siglo XX. El carretero de López Buchardo


  • Silvina Luz Mansilla Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Argentina


We examine Canción del carretero, an art song by Carlos López Buchardo, based on a poem by Gustavo Caraballo. Written in 1924, close to the creation of the National Conservatory of Music and Declamation (a project which initiative and direction corresponded to our composer), we affirm that the initial art song lived, through the Twentieth Century, with other three artistic circulation areas, increasing in that way its canonic condition. That 'changing biography' –perhaps, 'several' biographies– included the tango world, the school songs and the popular folklore derived repertoire. We conclude that this multiplicity included processes of social engineering, cultural and educational policies and mediations of various kinds specially the record and the radio.


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How to Cite

Mansilla, S. L. (2024). La cambiante biografía de una canónica canción argentina del siglo XX. El carretero de López Buchardo. Revista Del Instituto De Investigación Musicológica Carlos Vega, 30, 101–128. Retrieved from


