Historians' autobiographies, between literature and autobiographical testimony


  • Jaume Aurell




Autobiographies of historians, Contemporary Historiography, Intellectual Autobiographies, Intellectual history


This text explores the genre of historians' autobiographies from a historical, literary and historiographical perspective. These texts function both as a source of historical documentary and as a literary artifact and sources of historiographical transformation. The author postulates the development, during the 20th century, of six autobiographical styles by the historians who wrote about his life: humanistic, biographical, monographic, egohistorical, postmodern and interventional. Each of them represents a way of conceiving history for each of the authors, who project that historiographical conception in their autobiographies.


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Author Biography

Jaume Aurell

Universidad de Navarra


Aurell, Jaume, Els mercaders catalans al Quatre-Cents. Mutació de valors i procés d'aristocratització a Barcelona (1370-1470) (Barcelona: Pagès editors, 1996).

Aurell, Jaume, Authoring the Past. History, Autobiography and Politics in Medieval Catalonia (Chicago – Londres: University of Chicago Press, 2012).

Aurell, Jaume, Medieval Self-Coronations. The History and Symbolism of a Ritual (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020).

Aurell, Jaume, “La noción de carisma: La historización del don de Dios en la Europa medieval”, Scripta Theologica, n° 54 (2022): pp. 607-637.

Aurell, Jaume “Practicing Theory and Theorizing Practice”, Rethinking History, n° 24 (2) (2020): pp. 229-251.

Braudel, Fernand, “Personal Testimony”, The Journal of Modern History, vol. 44, n° 4 (1972): pp. 448-467.

Nora, Pierre, Essais d'ego-histoire (Paris: Gallimard, 1987).



How to Cite

Aurell, J. (2023). Historians’ autobiographies, between literature and autobiographical testimony. Res Gesta, (59), 11–24. https://doi.org/10.46553/RGES.59.2023.p.11-24


