Complex Authorship: Museum, Archives, Laboratory


  • Juan J. Mendoza Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Argentina



Aesthetics, Laboratory, Crisis, Museum, Archives


: Between 2006 and 2010, Reinaldo Laddaga published Estética de la Emergencia and Estética de laboratorio, two books especially devoted to a profound reflection on the ways of understanding literary theory and criticism applied not only to literary texts but also to works of art, cinema and other cultural devices. Sensitive to a new “culture of the arts”, Laddaga’s concept of “complex authorship” immediately proved to be a particularly productive notion for understanding a number of 21st century artistic works. In fact, Laddaga himself tested forms of art and “complex literature”, in coauthorship -following his own formulations- with Borges, Bioy Casares, Jean de Mandeville, Thomas de Quincey, Raymond Russel or Herman Melville. Almost twenty years after the first of these books and more than a decade after the second, the present work rescues the productivity of Laddaga’s theoretical elaborations in the light not only of his own literary production, but also in dialogue with other works particularly sensitive to the ideas of this author.


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BARTHES, Roland, 1992, S/Z, Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI.

BORGES, Jorge Luis y Adolfo Bioy Casares, 1955, Cuentos breves y extraordinarios, Buenos Aires, Raigal.

CABEZÓN CÁMARA, Gabriela, 2017, Las aventuras de la china Iron, Buenos Aires, Mondadori.

CARRERA, Arturo, 2004, Potlatch, Buenos Aires, Interzona.

GARCÍA, José Luis, 2012, La chica del sur, DVD.

KAMENSZAIN, Tamara, 2018, El libro de Tamar, Buenos Aires, Eterna Cadencia.

LADDAGA, Reinaldo, 2006, Estética de la emergencia. La formación de otra cultura de las artes, Buenos Aires, Adriana Hidalgo.

LADDAGA, Reinaldo, 2007, Espectáculos de realidad. Ensayo sobre la narrativa latinoamericana de las últimas dos décadas, Buenos Aires, Beatriz Viterbo.

LADDAGA, Reinaldo, 2010, Estética de laboratorio. Estrategias de las artes del presente, Buenos Aires, Adriana Hidalgo.

LADDAGA, Reinaldo, (cur.), 2013, Cosas que un mutante tiene que saber: Más cuentos breves y extraordinarios, Amsterdam, Unsounds.

LEVRERO, Mario, 2005, La novela luminosa, Madrid, Alfaguara.

MENDOZA, Juan José, 2011. Escrituras past: tradiciones y futurismos del siglo 21, Buenos Aires, 17grises.

LADDAGA, Reinaldo, 2017, Internet, el último continente (Mapas, e-topías, cuerpos), Buenos Aires, Crujía.

LADDAGA, Reinaldo, 2020, “HiperArchivos. Literatura y Realismo Especulativo”, revista Luthor, no. 45.

PYNCHON, Thomas, 2003, “The road to 1984”, The Guardian, sab. 3 de mayo.

ROSATO, Laura y Germán Álvarez (2017), Borges, libros y lecturas, Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional.

SPREGELBURD, Rafael, 2018, Diarios del capitán Hipólito Parrilla, Buenos Aires, Entropía.



How to Cite

Mendoza , J. J. (2024). Complex Authorship: Museum, Archives, Laboratory. Letras, (89), 291–306.