Miguel Ángel Bustos and Emiliano Bustos. Poetics of spatial convergence and temporal affectivity


  • Julián Axat Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina




Exhibition Borges Cultural Center, Art and Transmission of Memory, Archive, Children of Missing People and Art.


This paper aims to reflect on the exhibition “Miguel Ángel Bustos-Emiliano Bustos. Todos es siempre ahora” that took place at the Centro Cultural Borges in the city of Buenos Aires between December 19, 2013, and January 21, 2014. On that day, the exhibition was untimely lifted because of the theft of one of the paintings exhibited. The article, which originates from an article published in the newspaper Página/12 on the tenth anniversary of that exhibition, attempts an analysis of the catalog and some conceptual aspects on the temporal/spatial convergence of the poetic work of Miguel Ángel Bustos and Emiliano Bustos, father and son, respectively.


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How to Cite

Axat, J. (2024). Miguel Ángel Bustos and Emiliano Bustos. Poetics of spatial convergence and temporal affectivity. Letras, (89), 275–290. https://doi.org/10.46553/LET.89.2024.p275-290