Photography, Portrait and Description in Arthur Rimbaud’s Correspondence from Abyssinia


  • Annick Louis Universidad de Franche-Comté. Francia



Photography, Description, Exploration in XIX Century, Portrait and auto representation


In this paper we analyze the relationship of the poet Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891)
to photography, starting by questioning the corpus of photographs attributed to him and his
portraits. Rimbaud decides to acquire an apparatus to make images with which he wishes to
trade, in 1881, when he is working and living in Abyssinia, and has abandoned poetry. A second
objective is to use it for geographical exploration, and thus become a professional explorer,
financed by the Geographical Society of Paris. His photographs raise the problem of portrait
and self-portrait, as well as that of description, issues that also appear in his letters of the time.


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How to Cite

Louis, A. (2024). Photography, Portrait and Description in Arthur Rimbaud’s Correspondence from Abyssinia. Letras, (89), 97–117.



La mirada exterior: literatura, fotografía y dibujo en la Europa del siglo XIX