Avant-garde Reflections: the War on the Optic Nerve between Macedonio Fernández and Jorge Luis Borges


  • Mariano García Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Argentina




Avant-garde, Mirror, Reflection


The eccentric figure of Macedonio Fernández has drawn attention due to the affinities of his “asensorial” or Belarte aesthetic with the “anti-retinal” proposal and the “beauty of indifference” of Marcel Duchamp. Starting from this transatlantic link between two avantgardes that almost did not cross, we will analyze some constants in Borges’s poetics, in particular his relationship with obsessive metaphors such as mirrors and their corollary, symmetry. For this we will start witrh the essay by Martin Jay Downcast Eyes, in order to establish a parallel between the French “anti-ocular” tradition and the Argentine context of the first half of the 20th century.


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How to Cite

García , M. (2024). Avant-garde Reflections: the War on the Optic Nerve between Macedonio Fernández and Jorge Luis Borges. Letras, (89), 65–74. https://doi.org/10.46553/LET.89.2024.p65-74